U2 started publishing their own fan magazine in the fall of 1981.  The magazine was originally written by Geoff Parkyn, and was a simple affair - a black and white one colour print magazine, stapled in the center.  It was 8.5"x11" in size, folded in half.  For a touch of colour, the early versions of the magazine covers were often done on colour paper.

As the magazine grew in size, eventually it began to have a more professional look.  Full colour covers replaced the one colour montone covers, and the page count started to increase.  In the spring of 1986, the magazine was replaced by Propaganda Magazine, a true printed, full colour magazine.

Over the years, the original magazine often featured lyrics, and music from different songs, exclusive looks into the band, interviews, and penpal type pages, where U2 fans learned to communicate with one another before the internet.

Today finding these magazines becomes harder and harder, as in the early days they were very limited in number, and only went to fans who would be unlikely to sell them.  From time to time an occasional issue will show up on eBay.  When U2 released a compilation book from their fan club magazine throughout the years entitled, The Best of Propaganda, these earlier fan magazines were not forgotten, and some images of the early mags were included, as well as some of the earlier articles reprinted.

 Issue: 1
 Date: November 1981
 Contents: October Tour Notes, Hot Press National Poll Results, Lyrics from the Boy Album, U2's First American Write Up (Article by Jim Henke, Originally Published in Rolling Stone)
 Notes: The article from Rolling Stone was written by Jim Henke, who was employed with Rolling Stone at the time.  He went on to become the curator of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and he kept strong ties to U2 throughout the years.

 Issue: 2
 Date: February 1982
 Contents: News from U2 (A Celebration, Tour Notes, Awards), U2 at the RDS Review, Lyrics to Gloria, Lyrics to Fire, Music to Is That All?, Reviews from U2 at the Lyceum, U2 Technical Details, Letters.

 Issue: 3
 Date: May 1982
 Contents: Update from the Edge, Bono interview in San Antonio, Edge interview, Music to October, Lyrics for A Celebration, Lyrics for I Fall Down, Lyrics for Stranger in a Strange Land, Lyrics for With a Shout, Steve Lillywhite talks about U2, Press clippings, Letters.
 Notes: The update from the Edge presents a letter handwritten from the Edge about the bands recent and upcoming activities.

 Issue: 4
 Date: August 1982
 Contents: News (Summer Tour), Belgian Show review, Coming Up for Eire (U2 Article), Music to Stranger in a Strange Land, Lyrics for Tomorrow, Lyrics for Rejoice, Lyrics for October, Lyrics for 11 O'Clock Tick Tock, Music to Scarlet, Bono Vox and the Lypton Village, Pen Pals and Swops, Letters.
 Notes: The article "Coming up for Eire" was initially published in Sounds magazine in September of 1979, and was one of the first articles on U2 in a British music paper.  At the end of this issue is a best wishes for Ali and Bono on their wedding.

 Issue: 5
 Date: November 1982
 Contents: News (New album, tour, 4U2Play), Recollections of U2's Initial UK tour, Lyrics for Stories for Boys, Lyrics for An Cat Dubh, Lyrics for Into the Heart, Lyrics for Out of Control, Lyrics for A Day Without Me, Lyrics for I Threw a Brick Through a Window, Music to A Day Without Me, U2 Pen Pals / Swops, U2 Competition, Bono's Choice, Letters.
 Notes: "Bono's Choice" was a small section where Bono listed his favorite records, films, books, TV, food and people.  Of note is his enjoyment of eating Smarties with a spoon.

 Issue: 6
 Date: March 1983
 Contents: News (War release, UK tour, Hot Press Poll), Bono Quoted on War, December '82 Tour Review, Pen Pals / Swops, Vinyl Rarities Discography, Competition Results (Song Interpretations), Letters.
 Notes: One of the earliest discographies in print of the band's work to date.  Winners of the competition announced last issue won a copy of the 4U2Play pack of singles.

Issue: 7
Date: May 1983
Contents: News (End of UK Tour, Upcoming dates, They Call it an Accident), U2 on the Tube Fan Reviews, A Visit to Dublin with Bono, The Unsinkable U2 by Carter Alan, Lyrics (Sunday Bloody Sunday, New Year's Day, Seconds, Like a Song, Surrender, Drowning Man), Pen Pals / Swops, U2 Equipment Update, Competition Results (Gig Review), Letters.
Notes: The Unsinkable U2 was written by WBWC disc jockey, Carter Alan, an early supporter of U2 in the US. The article details their 1982 opening US show in New Oreleans.

Issue: 8
Date: August 1983
Contents: News (Summer festivals, Edge's Marriage), U2 in Worcester Review, A Visit to Dublin with U2 (Continued from Previous Issue), U2 at the Orpheum Review, Pen Pals / Swops, U2 Quiz, Belgium 83 Review, Competition Results (Gig Review).

Issue: 9
Date: November 1983
Contents: News (Under a Blood Red Sky, U2 in Japan, Other News, Snakecharmer Project), Phoenix Park Concert Review, U2 in the USA), Lyrics (Two Hearts Beat As One, Red Light, The Refugee), Pen Pals / Swops, U2 Word Search, Reader's Poem, Edge's Recent Favorite Tracks. 

Issue: 10
Date: February 1984
Contents: U2 News (Recording of new album, Various Magazine Polls, The Big One show), Bono on new album, Lyrics (40, Trash Trampoline and the Party Girl), Pen Pals, Under a Blood Red Sky Review, U2 Lyric Puzzle, U2 Equipment Update. 

Issue: 11
Date: Summer 1984
Contents: News (New album), Love Devotion and Surrender (War analysis), U2 Lyric Competition, Band Aid, Pen Pals / Swops, U2 Favorite Songs Poll, Bono's Top 10 of 1983.
Notes: "Band Aid" was a note in the magazine asking U2 fans who had a band to send in a demo tape, and they would mention the band in future issues of the magazine, and might pass it along, and they mention selling a fan single as well.

Issue: 12
Date: Autumn 1984
Contents: News (Unforgettable Fire album, Pride single, UF Tour, Bono at Slane '84, Edge's daughter Hollie), Adam Clayton interview, U2 Favorite Songs Poll Results, Lyric Competition Winners, Pen Pals / Swops, In Tua Nua, U2 Crossword, Bono talks about The Unforgettable Fire.

Issue: 13
Date: Winter 1984
Contents: October Tour Notes, Hot Press National Poll Results, Lyrics from the Boy Album, U2's First American Write Up (Article by Jim Henke, Rolling Stone)

Issue: 14
Date: Spring 1985
Contents: October Tour Notes, Hot Press National Poll Results, Lyrics from the Boy Album, U2's First American Write Up (Article by Jim Henke, Rolling Stone)

Issue: 15
Date: Summer 1985
Contents: October Tour Notes, Hot Press National Poll Results, Lyrics from the Boy Album, U2's First American Write Up (Article by Jim Henke, Rolling Stone)

Issue: 16
Date: Autumn / Fall 1985
Contents: October Tour Notes, Hot Press National Poll Results, Lyrics from the Boy Album, U2's First American Write Up (Article by Jim Henke, Rolling Stone)
Propaganda Magazine Vol. 1 (#1 - 10)