So you are interested in submitting information to the webpage.  Here are a few of the basic submission guidelines for the webpage:
  • Lyrics:  Please contact lyrics @ u2wanderer.org for lyrical corrections, suggestions, interpretations, etc.  We will make every attempt to answer these letters, but please understand due to the volume of mail received, there may be a delay before a reply. >
  • Database entries:  Please check the entry to see if your item is displayed before sending in information.  We are always looking for additional information about collectibles, recordings, videos etc., but have a large amount of information already present for your viewing.  If you have new information, or a correction to older information please contact the respective sections to send this information.  Contact information is linked to the right of each page in the website.
  • Pictures of Items:  Please scan these at a high resolution, so that we can present the best quality images available.  300dpi would be great, but lower resolution would be equally acceptable if images are not available currently. Save these in a low compression format.  The staff at U2W are capable of resizing images to fit our pages. Before sending any multiple images, please email the staff to arrange for the transfer of images.  We have limited space in our accounts to accept pictures, and while one or two are fine, anything more should be worked out in advance.  Other means of transfer are available as well if you should wish to do something other than email.
  • Regular Contribution:  Please contact the site representatives for the various sections of the page for regular contribution information and advice.  If you wish to introduce a new section of the page, please contact wanderer @ u2wanderer.org to pitch your ideas.  We are not interested in a bootleg section at this time.
  • Got a news tip that we should know about?  news @ u2wanderer.org links to all of the staff at the site, and will reach someone who can deal with the information in a timely matter if any one individual is away.
  • We look forward to hearing from you!
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